How to Leverage Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security

Artificial Intelligence For Cyber Security

Security solutions are much more robust and powerful today than in the past, but cyberattacks are not set back and continuously evolving to compromise the systems and networks. Most of us are still relying on the traditional malware tracking method, which is the leading cause of data breaches and system exploitation. Black hat hackers and offensive hacking groups have developed powerful social engineering attacks that can bypass the system’s security and gain the device’s operating privileges. According to a report, more than 90% of organizations related to the healthcare industry faced a security breach in the past three years.

The majority of the antiviruses and security programs still rely on signature-based verification. This way of tracking threats is now getting obsolete. Users or companies that are still counting on this method remain ineffective in tackling cybersecurity risks. Adopting Artificial intelligence services in a security process is mandatory to be effective.

Security experts are giving their best to building solutions that can mitigate the cyber-attacks risks, control data breaches, and maintain a secure digital environment for the users.

Since its inception, AI has achieved many forms. Its impact on the world, especially cybersecurity, is vast, which we will discuss in this article.

How Artificial Intelligence Work in Cybersecurity?

Enterprises, regardless of their sizes, generate a considerable amount of data on the network and online space. Usually, this data is stored on the computer systems, vulnerable to hacking attacks that lead to information in the wrong hands or unauthorized person. This information is sensitive, containing user identity, transactions, card details, address, and other details which are not considered to be publicized in any way. All this happens because of low-security measures and ineffective data protection strategies.

The primary objective of a cybersecurity system is to ensure the early detection of threats and prevent their effect on the system before the hacker gain control over it. To make it possible, companies are applying AI in their cyber protection mechanism. With AI, we expect to see a significant decline in data breaches and phishing attacks. Also, people in the security department will get high-tech support to detect threats and develop defensive responses in the meantime before getting too late.

Artificial Intelligence Scope Beyond Conventional Security Methods

Firewalls and antivirus programs are the widely practiced methods on which our system’s security depends. They identify and remove viruses and trojans known to them through their database. These programs need to be updated on a frequent basis to maintain or enhance the security level. On the other side, AI relies on natural language processing (NLP), Deep Learning, Machine learning (ML), and other innovative technologies, which is difficult for a hacker to decrypt, protecting the valuable and sensitive information stored on the computer.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Security

Threat Detection and Reaction Time Gets Accelerated

With AI, detecting a problem in a computer system or network gets a speed, checking different sources in real-time to protect data. However, human intervention is necessary to make the final call and prioritize the issues based on their severity. Over time, after learning through previous experience, AI can suggest responses by itself.

Process the Data in Humungous Amount

AI comprises the capability to handle and digest data in bulk volumes. It happens by developing algorithms automatically that enable the identification of security risks. The information that gets through the relevant process consists of various network elements like visited sites log, emails, and other things along with hacker activities and third-party software.

Do not mistake comparing the enormous data security scanning via AI to a typical human scan. Humans require a lengthy time to process the information and often miss something important in between. AI, however, can do the same job with much more speed and accuracy. Today’s computational power and processors are fast enough to do work in minutes, requiring many hours in a conventional approach.

Enhancing the Authentication System

The login verification system of most organizations is still dependent on the traditional authentication process that is a long email id and a complex password. Some people do not consider making a strong password with a combination of numbers, symbols, and case-sensitive letters; they use a common phrase instead and often use the same password for all of their accounts. It is a grave mistake that can make their digital life miserable. If the hacker gets access to one account, ultimately, he has captured all of the user accounts at once.

Nevertheless, with the help of Artificial intelligence service providers, companies can develop solutions based on biometrics, facial recognition, and retina. It will allow secure login authorization and bring convenience on the user side by eliminating the password field, making the hacker job difficult and challenging.

Need of Human Presence Reduces

Many websites’ security is based on AI that detects unauthorized access and tackles issues without depending on human intervention. Professional train AI models to identify the malicious activities and attacks in the system. Besides, the use of predictive analysis is also making a significant impact on improving cybersecurity.

It helps the professional anticipate future event occurrences, providing more time to prepare themselves or do specific changes in the system to prevent the happening. For individual users, multi-factor authentication can also be an option that can be integrated. With that, a system will capture the login credentials which are required for the system access. By analyzing the network and environment, AI-based plans can change the privileges and preferences, ensuring high data protection.

Automate and Improve Cyber Threat Detection

The advantages of AI in cybersecurity increase as enterprises adopt more automated security solutions. The monotonous threat detection by humans reduces when high-level detection comes into action. When automated systems detect threats in cyberspace, one can respond fast to the potential risks.

Besides, Machine learning allows the machines to learn by themselves, making AI gain more experience from past events. To some extent, this automation does not require human intervention. By self-learning ML model, machine intelligence becomes smart enough to identify suspicious activities and provide a defensive response.

Summing Up

From the healthcare industry to the automobile sector, Artificial intelligence is making significant progress. The challenges to a cyber world are also on the top of the list in AI applications. Its intelligence supports the security professionals in detecting and responding to the risk in real-time and protecting the systems from unauthorized or unpermitted access. It is the intelligent digital guard which everyone has to hire today or tomorrow to secure their data from evil eyes.

About the author

Rahul Shukla

Tech Blogger and Writer

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